
Studio CRiSP is a boutique-style studio focused on event planning, interior decoration, and project management.

Discover the Story Behind Studio CRiSP.

At Studio CRiSP, we believe in business as an extension of the soul. Our journey is a testament to this philosophy, one filled with passion, purpose, and gratitude.

From the outset, dreams danced in my mind, a kaleidoscope of possibilities. Fashion editing beckoned during my high school days, a world I eagerly pursued. Yet, as the contours of my aspirations evolved, I found myself drawn to the realm of connection and creativity, where the true essence of my spirit resided.

Rooted in a lineage of artistic flair and hospitality, I found inspiration from my father, an advertising artist, and my mother, a master decorator and hostess extraordinaire. Their influences ignited within me a fervor for community service and a commitment to giving back, principles that guide Studio CRiSP to this day.

Venturing forth, I embarked on a journey that led me from the vibrant shores of Puerto Rico to the bustling streets of Washington, DC. Immersed in the non-profit landscape, I discovered the profound joy of stewarding donors and serving my community. These formative years sculpted my approach to work and collaboration, instilling in me a deep appreciation for simplicity, family values, and the transformative power of altruism.

Settling in Atlanta, I seized the reins of destiny and birthed Studio CRiSP. The fusion of passion and talent ignited a spark, propelling me to craft unforgettable event experiences, reimagine spaces with beauty and functionality, and champion noble causes, particularly within the Hispanic community.

Today, nestled in the tranquil embrace of Florida's Treasure Coast, Studio CRiSP continues to flourish as my dream job. Guided by unwavering dedication and fueled by boundless creativity, we strive to weave moments of magic into the fabric of every endeavor.

Beyond the studio walls, I find solace in the company of my beloved husband, Leo, and cherish moments of respite amidst travel, culinary explorations, and the warm embrace of loved ones.

For me, life is a tapestry woven with threads of design, culture, and connection—a canvas upon which Studio CRiSP paints its story of purpose and passion.

Thank you for showing up!

Download our work-plans and Latino inspired designs